KIOC, the finest cricket academy in Bangalore offers cricket training throughout the year. KIOC offers bowling coaching, batting coaching, one on one coaching & more.
Having a team of 40+ coaches and facilities which include cutting-edge technologies, analysis software for cricket coaching, KIOC also provides accommodation for out station trainees.
About the Head Coach - Mr. Irfan Sait:
Irfan Sait is probably the only qualified full time coach available 24x7x365 days who has the unique distinction of completing the level-1, 2 and 3 coaching courses, each from a different country.
1. Level-3: England(ECB)
2. Level-2: Australia(CA)
3. Level-1: India(KSCA)
He is also a member of the Coach Associations of England and Australia, a rare feat achieved only by a few in the subcontinent. Irfan is deeply involved in the game for the past 30 years. He has played in all the divisions of the KSCA League(Sixth to the first division). Irfan assisted the Indian men’s cricket team in the training camp held at Bangalore in preparation of the World Cup ’96. He also coaches at Macclesfield, Cheshire County, Manchester, England.
Facilities at KIOC:
At KIOC, we do our best to expose our trainees to very scientific High Performance Training programs, along with appropriate tools to help, monitor, track and assess progress of our wards.
ø Six bowling machines
ø 20 fully covered nets with cement, turf, artificial turf and ‘coir’ matting wickets
ø Quintic video analysis software and digital equipment
ø PitchVision Video Analysis System
ø Speed check radar
ø Flood lights facility for coaching after sunset
ø Hostel for outstation trainees
ø Transport facilities
ø Only cricket center in India that operates 365 days & 15 hours a day
ø Provides all India tournament experience for under 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 & seniors
ø In-house physiotherapists to attend to injuries
ø Dedicated and passionate coaching staff
ø Foreign coaches from Australia & England
ø All modern coaching aids(equipment)
ø Fitness trainers
ø Gym
ø Audio visual training facility
This app will keep you updated about the academy and it’s day-today activities. So download the app now!
KIOC, kriket akademi terbaik di Bangalore menawarkan pelatihan kriket sepanjang tahun. KIOC menawarkan bowling pembinaan, batting pembinaan, satu-satu pembinaan & lebih.
Memiliki tim 40 + pelatih dan fasilitas yang meliputi teknologi mutakhir, perangkat lunak analisis untuk kriket pembinaan, KIOC juga menyediakan akomodasi untuk peserta stasiun keluar.
Tentang Pelatih Kepala - Mr Irfan Sait:
Irfan Sait mungkin satu-satunya waktu pelatih penuh yang tersedia hari 24x7x365 berkualitas yang memiliki perbedaan yang unik menyelesaikan tingkat-1, 2 dan 3 pembinaan kursus, masing-masing dari negara yang berbeda.
1. Level-3: Inggris (ECB)
2. Level-2: Australia (CA)
3. Level-1: India (KSCA)
Dia juga anggota dari Asosiasi Pelatih Inggris dan Australia, suatu prestasi yang jarang dicapai hanya dengan beberapa di benua itu. Irfan sangat terlibat dalam permainan selama 30 tahun terakhir. Dia telah bermain di semua divisi Liga KSCA (Sixth ke divisi pertama). Irfan dibantu tim kriket pria India di kamp pelatihan yang diadakan di Bangalore di penyusunan '96 Piala Dunia. Dia juga pelatih di Macclesfield, Cheshire County, Manchester, Inggris.
Fasilitas di KIOC:
Pada KIOC, kami melakukan yang terbaik untuk mengekspos peserta untuk sangat ilmiah Program pelatihan Kinerja Tinggi, bersama dengan alat yang tepat untuk membantu, memantau, melacak dan menilai kemajuan lingkungan kita.
mesin bowling ø Six
ø 20 jaring sepenuhnya ditutupi dengan semen, rumput, rumput buatan dan 'sabut' wickets anyaman
ø quintic perangkat lunak analisis video dan peralatan digital
o PitchVision Video Analisis Sistem
ø cek radar Kecepatan
ø Banjir lampu fasilitas untuk pembinaan setelah matahari terbenam
ø Hostel untuk trainee outstation
ø Transportasi fasilitas
ø Hanya pusat kriket di India yang beroperasi 365 hari & 15 jam sehari
ø Menyediakan semua India pengalaman turnamen untuk di bawah 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 & senior
ø fisioterapi In-house untuk menghadiri cedera
ø Dedicated dan bergairah staf pelatih
pelatih asing ø dari Australia & Inggris
ø Semua bantu pembinaan modern (peralatan)
ø pelatih Kebugaran
ø Gym
fasilitas pelatihan audio visual ø
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